Provide opportunity & support for the greater Rangeville community
Our tuckshop is open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday right through each school term for both the morning tea & lunch breaks. Morning tea is at 10.50am and lunch is 12:55pm with all orders due by 8:45am. Tuckshop is cashless. Please order via FlexiSchools.
Our tuckshop menu includes a large variety of hot and cold foods available at both breaks. plus we have a range of seasonal meals deals which provided great value for money and ensure that kids are trying new flavours all year round.
We are always looking for volunteers. One day a week, one day a fortnight, even once a month or for a couple of hours, it is all greatly appreciated. Drop into the tuckshop to see us about volunteering or contact us by leaving a message.
If you can’t volunteer in the tuckshop you might be able to do some home cooking, maybe rustle up some muffins, biscuits, a slice or even a cake. If baking or volunteering is not your thing perhaps you might like to help keep the cost of things in the tuckshop down by donating some items? Items such as alfoil, paper towels, dishwashing liquid, cooking spray, popcorn, spaghetti sauces and wafers are always appreciated.
Smart Choices is all about offering healthy food and drink choices to students in Queensland schools. The strategy requires that schools offer students a range of healthy food and drinks, consistent with the Australian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents.
Healthy eating at school and at home will help to establish good eating habits from an early age that can be carried through life.
Read through the Ready Reckoner guide book below for more information.
Our school uses an online ordering system for Tuckshop, Uniforms, Events & Fundraising called Flexischools.
Flexischools allows you to place all your school orders online in a matter of seconds, at any time of the day.
Download the Flexischools app from the App store or Google Play click here for details on how to set up your account.